Buzzshot is a mobile app which links to a database of customers. The first step is to write a waiver which your escape room clients read to ensure they understand the rules of the game. To confirm acceptance the customer enters certain details which the Manager can customise. All participants are required to complete the waiver. Normally the Manager would only collect the details of the customer making the booking. Completing a waiver allows you to collect the details of all members. This has great benefits when wishing to re-market to your customers.
The customer details are stored in an online database which is easily exported to an email marketing program. Depending on the information you collect you can also determine what your average customer is like. For example: gender, age bracket and location. The Marketing Manager will use this valuable information in marketing campaigns to specifically target the to average customer.
Another feature of Buzzshot is the ability to overlay your logo, team name and escape time over their team photo. Buzzshot then automatically posts the photo to your business Facebook page. This in itself can save 5 min for each game.
The Customer receives an automated email with team photo and links to review your business, when the escape room is completed. The Manager has the ability to customise the contents of the email.
Tom at Buzzshot is terrific working with other small businesses they understand the importance of customer service. The response time is exceptional and nothing is too hard. Tom is constantly improving things.