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November 2023

Turning Grille  Codes

Turning Grille 

This edition we are looking at another type of grille, following on from our earlier article on the grilles developed by Richelieu and Cardano. Our variant this time was made by an Austrian cavalry officer back in 1880: Edouard Fleissner von Wostrowitz. Fortunately for us, this one has become known more simply as the 'turning grille'. Why? Get your paper…
Catherine Salatandol
15 November 2023
Rail Cipher Codes

Rail Cipher

At first this might seem a simple cipher, but taramnntigsiteogetidohniltl (14/13). Our rail fence system is one of the earliest methods of transposition, based on placing letters in a series of levels, or, imagining that they have been written up and down the rails on a fence. Let's have a look at a few quotes from this guy as examples…
Catherine Salatandol
1 November 2023
Call Elude